The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The IDB Invest logo must perform well at all sizes.
Use the guidelines below for proper implementation of the small logos, which are legible at small sizes.
Color Variations
The primary logo is the preferred usage and should be applied in all contexts except for applications without sufficient contrast or reproduction capability.
The solid black logo should only be used in black and white applications or in contrast with bright colors. Grey and blue logos can be used in neutral shades of color where there is sufficient contrast between the logo and background.
The solid white logo should be used over simple photographic backgrounds or when the primary logo does not offer sufficient contrast.
The solid white logo should be used over simple photographic backgrounds or when the primary logo does not offer sufficient contrast.
Clear Space
Don´t encroach on the clear space around the logo, equivalent to the width of the B
Aligning partnership logos should follow clear space rules.
The separating line between logos can be created either by the vertical line in IDB Invest logo by 2X the height and horizontally and vertically centered to the partners' logos.
The space between logos and lines must be equivalent to the width of the B.
Keep balance within logos according to its letters height.
Follow the spacing and alignment specifications below when locking the IDB Invest logo up with IDB and IDB Lab logos.
Always maintain the clear space guidelines, keeping partner logos at a distance greater than or equal to the size of the globe (x).
Logo Signage
Businesses are now only as strong as their brands, and nothing else offers business leaders so much potential leverage.
Jim Stengel
Grow: How Ideals Power
Growth and Profit at the World’s
Greatest Companies
Logo Misuse
Check the line between IDB and Invest. If the line is higher than IDB logo, do not use it.
Logo Languages
When addressing audiences in English-speaking countries, use IDB Invest.
When addressing audiences in primarily Spanish, French, and/or Portuguese-speaking countries, use BID Invest.