The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances.
Our identity represents the commitment and purpose of our organization.
By applying it consistently, we will increase awareness and strengthen our image.
In body copy, typeset IDB Invest in the same typeface used in the text and in all caps except by letters nvest.
Embrace ORANGE as the most important color of our brand. It provides distinction from other brands, specifically within MDB's.
Our primary color is a statement, is meant to be BOLD and BRIGHT, and is a color that reflects positivism and hope.
C0 M82 Y100 K0
R255 G81 B0

IMPACT is orange

Secondary colors
Luckily, we are not limited by the 3 colors listed above. We can make infinite amounts of color by mixing these colors with white. When we add white to a color, we form what are called tints.

Tertiary colors
Tertiary colors are best used for illustrating core sectors. They have been designed to support the primary brand palette.

Luckily, we are not limited by the 4 colors listed above. We can make infinite amounts of color by mixing these colors with white. When we add white to a color, we form what are called tints.

Special Pallete
Special colors are designated for our gender equality campaign. They could be used to complement other campaigns but not as primary colors.
- Do not use tints of the special colors in any way.
NOTE: For a better understanding of the use of special pallette, check our Gender Equality Brand Guideline.