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Section I – Background

IDB Invest is a brand that the IIC uses as of November 3, 2017 to identify the IIC and its services to the public and conduct its business. The rebranding of the IIC to IDB Invest will not entail a change in the legal name of the Inter-American Investment Corporation, which shall remain as established in its Charter.


Guidelines for use of the IDB Invest brand

These guidelines set out the rules governing the use of the IDB Invest Brand, and apply to all Personnel of the IIC, as these terms are defined below.

Section II – Definitions

As used in these Guidelines, the capitalized terms or acronyms have the meanings set out below:

  • IIC: The Inter-American Investment Corporation

  • IDB: The Inter-American Development Bank

  • IDB Invest: A brand name and visual identity of the IIC Brand(s): The names, acronyms and logos owned by the IIC Personnel: All IIC staff members and contractuals


Visual Identity Guidelines: The IDB Invest Brand Manual, which constitutes a business tool for the uniform presentation and use of the IDB Invest Brand, consistent with these Guidelines, attached brand guidelines.

Section III – Use of the IDB Invest Brand

3.1. Personnel of the Inter-American Investment Corporation shall make use of the IDB Invest Brand in accordance with the following guidelines:

Non-legal documents


All communications and documents that are not characterized as legal documents, including communications and documents that promote our services to the general public, shall feature the IDB Invest name and logo. IDB Invest shall be used consistently throughout the body of the text as well as in the title (e.g.: web, brochures, presentations, infographics, publications, etc.).


Legal Documents

  • Legal documents include any documents that create legal obligations between the IIC and third parties (e.g., loan agreements, mandate letters, non-objection letters, non-disclosure agreements, waivers, consents and notices).

  • The IIC name shall continue to be used in all documents of a legal nature and the IIC name shall always be used to identify the IIC as a signatory party to such documents.

  • In addition to the IIC name, the IDB Invest Brand may be used in such documents as a defined term that identifies the IIC throughout the body of the document.

  • The IDB Invest logo may be used in legal documents in accordance with the Visual Identity Guidelines.


Board Documents

  • Board Documents refer to all documents distributed to the IIC Board of Executive Directors or one of its Committees.

  • The IDB Invest name shall be used in Board Documents as follows:

    1. Cover page: Use the IDB Invest logo in the corresponding language. The IIC logo shall no longer be used. Leave the rest of the page unchanged.

    2. Acronyms: Do not add IDB Invest to the list of acronyms because IDB Invest is a name, not an acronym.

    3. Document: Define the Inter-American Investment Corporation as IDB Invest (or BID Invest, depending on the document language) the first time the name is used in the body of the document and continue using IDB Invest (or BID invest, as the case may be) throughout the rest of the Board Document except when referring to documents or policies in which IIC is part of the proper name (for example, "the IIC Charter”; “IIC Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy”; or “Resolution CII/DE-[ ]”).


​​Use of the IDB Invest Brand as a defined term

Whenever the IDB Invest Brand is used throughout a document or other media as a defined term to represent the IIC, and regardless of its nature, one of these two formats shall be used:

Option 1) The Inter-American Investment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “IDB Invest”); or

Option 2) The Inter-American Investment Corporation (“IDB Invest”)

3.2. Personnel are encouraged to consult with the Communications Team of the Finance and Administration Department and/or the Institutional and Corporate Team of the Legal Department on any questions related to these Guidelines, as well as on any other issues related to the use of the IDB Invest Brand not specifically addressed herein.

Section IV – Effective Date

These Guidelines are effective as of November 3, 2017

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