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A system, 

not assets

With our company’s growth and dynamic evolution, we need a brand identity that is efficient to use, flexible across applications, and able to feature localized content in a globally consistent way. These guidelines help you use the brand effectively. They cover nine elements: logo, color, institutional graphics, iconography, illustration, motion, photography, collateral materials, and typography

How to use

this guide

All IDB Invest brand assets are proprietary. If you opt to use any trademarks, logos, designs, and/or other brand features, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms in this brand guideline.

Most requested assets





Digital Branded


The only way to build the future is to invest in it.

Because in a world that’s evolving faster and with greater complexity than ever before, we’ve risen to the challenge. Because growth is not a given, and prosperity is not guaranteed—not without determination, not without patience, and not without a plan.

We’re invested in the potential of finance to serve all, not some. We’re invested in bright and bold creativity and forward-thinking strategy. We’re invested in the promise of a better world.

Brand identity is tangible and appeals to the senses. You can see it, touch it, hold it hear it, watch it move. Brand identity fuels recognition, amplifies differentation, and makes big ideas and meaning accessible.


Brand Identity takes disparate elements and unifies them into whole systems.

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